- British Educational Research Association – information on activities & research, map of educational research, discussion area & web links, selected articles online, publications & archive material
- Braintrack University Index – links to Higher Education institutions across the world
- BUBL Information Services – national information service for Higher Education community including selected Internet resources, journal abstracts, mailing lists, events, surveys & news, can search by curriculum area, large number of UK resources
- Centre for Education & Industry – to support the study and dissemination of information and experience of education – business collaboration at the University of Warwick
- Centre for Research into Quality – Higher education policy research, site includes sections on work experience, the Satisfaction Approach, research network, publications, Graduates’ Work – organisational change & students’ attributes
- COIMBRA Group – an integrated network of traditional and comprehensive European universities which aims at advancing the concept of UNIVERSITAS through the creation of special academic and cultural ties,the improvement of facilities and the creation of channels of information and exchange, also global links. Site includes newsletter, events & links
- ESIB (National Unions of Students in Europe) – umbrella organisation of 50 national unions of students from 37 countries
- European Universities Continuing Education Network – information on conferences, activities & working groups, projects, archive documents
- Fedora – in English & German, association for those involved in student guidance in institutions of higher education in Europe, including student counselling, vocational & educational guidance in universities, guidance professionals working in national or international organisations & employers. Site includes information on working groups, publications, meetings & addresses
- Benedict SEO Consultancy, providing training and consultancy for SMEs, owners and directors looking to promote their websites with Google’s organic search
- HEFCE (Higher Education Funding Council for England) – includes information on learning & teaching initiatives, news & events, research, publications, finance, good practice, finance & organisational information and universities, higher education insititutions & FE colleges delivering HEFC funded courses
- HEFCE Institutions funded by HEFCE – universities & colleges, including Further Education colleges funded for HEFCE courses
- HERO – official gateway site to the UK’s universities, colleges & research organisations, comprehensive resource for HE information
- Higher Education Statistics Agency
- Independent Committee of Inquiry into Student Finance (Scotland) – report from the Cubie Committee, available in Adobe Acrobat. Includes recommendations on student finance in FE and HE, consultation & committee papers, evidence & links
- International Association of Universities – UNESCO-based world-wide association of universities, includes information centre, World Higher Education Database (WHED), International Bibliographic Database on Higher Education (HEDBIB), Recent publications in higher education (bibliography)
- International Mobility in Higher Education Frameworks, Tools and Trends – international information from Canadian Information Centre for International Credentials
- JISC (Joint Information Systems Committee) – provides a range of information & support to Further & Higher Education including DNER, high quality assured information resources on the Internet
- Learning and Teaching Support Network – network of 24 subject centres in UK higher education institutions & a single Generic Centre, promoting high quality learning & teaching, includes projects & resources in subject centres, generic centre & technologies centre, also news, links, guidance on Personal Development Planning & Progress Files
- LINK (TCS) – formerly the Teaching Company Scheme, DTI projects with HE, promoting technology transfer by facilitating the establishment of project-based partnerships between the science base & companies using graduate skills
- NEA – International Higher Education Resources
- National Foundation for Educational Research – online research questionnaires, information on current projects, summaries of completed projects, research papers online, database online), also currently hosts the Education Management Information Exchange EMIE, Current Educational Research in the UK (CERUK), & the Eurydice Unit (England, Wales & Northern Ireland), information network on education in Europe, which has factfiles & databases
- NISS – key higher educational site with resources for staff
- QAA (Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education) – includes quality assessment reports
- The Open University
- Research & Development UK – regional & sector information, science parks, R & D organisations, national laboratories, links
- Scottish Higher Education Funding Council
- Scottish Research Information Information System – linking industry & academic research in Scotland
- SRHE (Society for Research into HE)
- Standing Conference of Principals (SCOP)– representative body for higher education colleges in England & Northern Ireland
- Times Higher Education Supplement – news, research information, appointments
- UCAS – degree course applications for colleges & universities, also a course search facility, advice & information
- Universities UK – representative organisation for UK universities with useful set of links to HE related organisations, general information about studying at a UK university
- UK Universities
- Welsh Funding Councils – Further Education & Higher Education information